About Osho Osho defies categorization, reflecting everything from the individual quest for meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing society today.
One more book on Patanjali Yoga? . The aim of Patanjali Yoga is to set man free from the cage of matter, . 195 Yoga Sutra from Astanga Yoga.
Patanjalis Yoga Sutras . . . . . called the Panchadasi. The book by itself has no name; .
Formats: (174 kb) This book contains the first 60 Sivanandashram letters by Swamiji spanning from October 1963 to January 1969. . (Patanjali's Yoga Sutras) to new life .
Sapta Chakra, from a Yoga manuscipt in Braj Bhasa lanaguage with 118 pages. 1899.
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349 weeks ago